Friday, December 20, 2013

How to Take Care of HVAC System

As you take care of your health to maintained the wellness, similarly we have to take care of the HVAC system to served us without disruptions. We have a HVAC system at home, we look them only when necessity, otherwise we neglect it. This costs us more and give headache when it not working properly. Hence, it’s better to take care of it to prevent headache and to live with family more comfortable. Read on to know how to take care of HVAC system.

1.       Regularly Cleaning and Maintaining the HVAC System

As we seen in the previous post (Advantage and Process of Improving HVAC System Performance), HVAC cleaning is very important to boost performance and a longer life. For keeping your home comfortable with fresh air, care the system at least once a year. Twice is better than once with relating to a season. Pre-season boiler or service repairing & servicing is always good to increase the performance of the system. If you have hired a HVAC Contractor­, then keep them for cleaning and tune-up the system which helps in following the same set of standard to repair the system in entire season.

2.       Caring the Heat Pump in the Winter

Heat pump is located all year full exposed to the outside atmosphere and weather conditions. During the ice storm the layer of ice is formed on the fan and the blades. When heat pump turns on, the motor tries to turn the blades forcefully by consuming energy than normal. This eventually leads to burn out. To prevent this turn on emergency heat. When ice melted off totally, then turn back to heat pump after a few minutes.
Note that this does not apply to gas furnace/air conditioner system.

3.       Feed Furnace with Caring

If you have a furnace, drain line is the most caring part of it. During the winter season drain line freeze up which shut your furnace down. We cannot avoid freezing the drain line, but if it freeze up then turn off the breaker to your furnace and then turn on again to reset it. 

4.       Place Outdoor Unit at Sophisticated Place

Place your outdoor unit with clearance of around four foot from the top of the unit so that it can be serviced without any difficulty. Cover the outdoor unit with board, but make sure to take the cover off before you turn on the heat pump.

5.       Take Care of Indoor Unit and Your Home

Never surround the HVAC equipment by boxes, other flammable products. Specifically gas or boiler furnace and water heaters need air in order to run properly. Always appoints the HVAC contractor to take care of HVAC system professionally with required guidance.