Thursday, January 2, 2014

How to Make Your House Energy Efficient in All Season

Every homeowner knows about electricity bill is a major household expense. Isn’t it? How you overcome this expense without comprising any of your home facility? To know about Making Your House Energy Efficient then read on.

 Blocked the Exposed Area

Inside air should not be exchanged with the outside air due to the smallest gap in the windows and doors. Due to very tiny hole the amount of heat losses and it’s difficult to maintain the inner temperature of the room. Hence, before repairing air condition and furnace blocked all the exposed area to the surrounding around the walls, doors etc. so that appliances will not cost you more electricity bill and it can give an optimal performance.

Home Insulation

Insulation prevents outside heat to enter into the room. Provide insulation in every area of the room as possible. This also helps in running the furnace system smoothly by consuming less amount of energy. Windows can make insulated by adding the extra barrier of temperature resistant glass. Hire an energy auditor. Energy auditor equipped with sophisticated tools like checking the home’s air leakages and heat sensitive cameras. Using these tools energy auditors provides detailed reports with advice and process in improving the energy & heating efficiency.

Duct System Maintenance and Periodical Changing of Air Filters

Maintain your duct system and change the air filters periodically. This prevents accumulating the dust particles in the pipe and air filters. Also due to regularly check-up the system performance is optimal and economical. Leakage point in duct systems loses the significant amount of energy. Inspect the duct systems & changed the air filters at least every three to five years and keep your home comfortable.

Furnace Renewal

Every new furnace of each all brand can last for 10-15 years with a regular maintenance. As furnace grows older efficiency decreases. It is good to hire an HVAC contractor to check the furnace system. HVAC professional will advise you which parts required are repairing or appropriate replacement with pricing option so that you can take your own decision.

Seasonal Once Touch 

During the winter or summer season follow the simple steps. Once in a season let the natural light entered the room and raise or lower the temperature. Change the cover of the sofa and curtains to provide a warm and cozy setting for the room. An electric fireplace is a best way for additional heat radiant heat in a common room area at home.

Above are very simple steps to follow. For more requirements and advanced steps to make your home more energy efficient and comfort get help from friends and HVAC professionals. What kind of steps do you follow to make your home more ambiance and happy?